Transform your Routine for a Greener Planet

By Abbi Miller
Transform your Routine for a Greener Planet

In the age of biodegradable high heeled shoes to fully electric cars, we are all waking up to the fact that how we live and consume on the daily, effects the planet. Check out this advantageous list of 10 ways to transform old routines for a greener planet, and a happier heart.

Warning: may lead to expansive environmental compassion as well as badass creativity and innovation in your life. You also might look cooler.

1) Freeze your vegetable scraps to flavor a big chicken or veggie stock. Works well with onion peels, celery leaves, carrot ends, garlic bits, etc. Boil everything for 30+ mins along with your usual stock fixings and then strain, boom! Stock!

2) Hilary’s dressing bottles make a great to-go container for your homemade smoothie or green juice, slips perfectly in the side pouch of backpacks! Another great idea for reusing salad dressing bottles is to turn them into vases!

To make your own:

  • clean an empty bottle
  • pour a non-waterbased paint into the bottle and swirl it around
  • let the bottle dry upside down so that excess paint comes out evenly

That’s all it takes! These DIY vases can add a pop of color to any room. (See photo above!)

3) When you go out to eat or order takeaway, refuse all to-go containers (your body will sing hallelujah when you ditch styrofoam). Instead, bring reusable steel or glass containers to restaurants, like the ones sold via Thrive Market. While you’re at it, buy a silverware set to keep in your purse for all your impromptu picnic dates!

4) You totes must always shop + travel with a tote bag(s). It saves on plastic bags when you grab a few too many things for an easy carry. Plus, who wants a bunch of flimsy plastic bags, that tear and have unreliable holes in them? Canvas bags are where it’s at.

5) Bring your own bags for produce shopping. I either re-use thin plastic produce bags from a previous shop, or you can get super thin mesh or canvas baggies to collect your fruit and veggies! If your life does generate bags (even if from food packaging for bread, frozen fruit, trail mix, etc) you can reuse them as mini trash bags or doggie poo scoopers. #IKnowSoSexy

6) Shop in bulk, when in doubt, buy more for less (packaging + trips to the store). Don’t forget #4. Ikea bags are great for a Costco or CSA run.

7) Shop vintage! So many amazing brands that sale beautiful garments in great condition. My faves are Shop Future, Dear Society, Thred Up, and Buffalo Exchange. If you have clothes you don’t wear, Marie Kondo that shit and host a clothing swap with your friends, donate to a local shelter or Dress for Success, a non-profit that empowers women to achieve economic independence by providing professional attire to help women thrive in work and in life. Also, brands like Madewell give you a store credit for all denim returned to the shop and donated to be up-cycled.

8) Save Hilary’s burger boxes (which requires opening mindfully, vs. the usual tear-and-devour method) for sliding in a letter to a friend when mailing pictures, as an added sturdiness so they don’t bend. Or cut and fold in half to make cute name tags placeholders for your next dinner party.

9) Make your own skincare and beauty products or buy refillable brands. My fave shop in KC is Hand and Land, or Whole Foods nationally offers many soaps and lotions in bulk (as well as olive oil, honey and vinegars!).

10) Cut up stained or unwanted t-shirts (what’s up Family Reunion tee from 2007) and reuse as rags.


Abbi Miller runs her own Holistic Nutrition and Yoga brand, sharing yoga and nutrition via one-on one sessions, retreats and workshops. She is obsessed with kale, juicy adventure and nerding out on all things healthy. She wants everyone to make friends with food, love their bodies and feel foxy. She can be found standing on her head, getting her passport stamped, or sniffing candles somewhere.  She loves a good e-high five: Instagram (@abbimillerholistic), Facebook.